2024-2025 ELECTIONS
Hello Nursing Undergraduates,
The 2024-2025 Winter Elections are officially over!
Congratulations to all our elected members!
​Some positions remain unfilled, and will be open for nomination during the Fall By-Elections!
The 2024-2025 Fall By-Elections will take place in September! In the meantime, if you are interested in applying for a position, please take a look at the by-laws below to learn more about those roles.
Feel free to message president.nus@mail.mcgill.ca or nus.nursing@mail.mcgill.ca if you have any questions about the roles, or if you would to hold an interim position until the Fall By-Elections!
See the council structure and positions available below. You can self-nominate to fill a position as an Interim.​
The following elected EXECUTIVE COUNCIL positions are still open for self-nomination:
Director of External Affairs (currently filled by an Interim)
Logistics Coordinator (currently filled by an Interim)
The following elected GENERAL COUNCIL elected positions are open for self-nomination:
Global Health Coordinator (currently filled by an Interim)
Social Representative (currently filled by an Interim)
BScN Graduation Representative (currently filled by an Interim)
BNI Graduation Representative (Vacant)
Equity Representative (currently filled by an Interim)
Indigenous Awareness Representative (Vacant)
BNI U2 Representative (Vacant)
BNI U2 Online Representative (Vacant)
BScN U0 Representative (Vacant)
If you are interested in any of these positions, correspond with the representatives listed via email for more information.​